12 Days of Blogmas: Day Seven - A Television interlude

In March of this year, I was surprised to receive an email from a television production assistant inviting me to participate in BBC One's "Escape to The Country" programme. The assistant had come across one of my blogs (this one - ‘Peebles for Pleasure’, as it happens) and believed that I would be a great local guide for a couple seeking to settle down in Peebles. I quickly agreed to the offer and met the couple who were friendly and looking to move from Denver, Colorado. I should point out, and regular readers will know this, that I do not need to be asked twice to evangelise about The Borders, so any thought of the traditional, generally good natured rivalry between my home town of Innerleithen and neighbouring Peebles was swiftly disregarded!

Although filming was a bit awkward with multiple takes and staged shots, I was pleased with the final product which aired today, December 11. In the programme, I feature along with other locals - Allan from Ridelines, Kerrie Guiney from The Perfect Fit and the irrepressible David McGrath, to showcase the beauty of Peebles and the surrounding countryside. If you live in the UK, you can watch the programme on IPlayer for the next month or so and judge for yourself if we did it justice!

BBC iPlayer - Escape to the Country - Series 24: 27. Scottish Borders

Peebles and The Tweed

Credit: https://unsplash.com/@sjk234578


12 Days of Blogmas: Day Eight - The dying art of the Christmas Card…


12 Days of Blogmas: Day Six - Rose and Julien guest blog