Tweed Valley Brass - A Celebration of the Great Outdoors!

Excitement is building ahead of a unique and exciting event next month - Tweed Valley Brass! Read on to find out more about the event, which I am over the moon to be taking part in.

Tweed Valley Brass will be a unique opportunity to hear all of Tweeddale's brass ensembles playing a musical celebration of The Great Outdoors. So that’s both St. Ronan’s Silver Band and Peebles Burgh Silver Band, as well as the St. Ronan’s Future and Peebles Burgh Youth Bands. There will also be a massed bands finale which promises to be quite a spectacle.  As well as this exciting, themed programme of music, there will be a display of local art and photography - all with the goal of celebrating our beautiful countryside and Borders lifestyle, through music, art and landscapes. Doors will open at 6pm to allow you to view the artwork, before the concert itself begins at 7.30pm. A licensed bar will be available throughout.

I am absolutely delighted to have been asked to write and deliver the narration for the concert. I was invited to do so by my old friend and St. Ronan’s Band Secretary Keith Belleville, and wasted no time in saying yes please when all he had was a name and a concept - that’s Keith for you, he has lightbulb ideas, but gets them done!! I am a long-time supporter of our local bands, and as anyone who reads the blog will know, of course love the Tweed Valley landscape and culture immensely. I am therefore humbled to take part, and I am working hard to craft an entertaining, and enlightening narrative which aims to complement the music and visuals of this one of a kind evening.

So please support our talented musicians and artists for this special event by grabbing a ticket for Tweed Valley Brass. Full details below…

 ‘Tweed Valley Brass’

 Saturday 4 May

 Innerleithen Memorial Hall

 7.30pm (doors open 6.00pm for art exhibition)

 Licensed bar available

 £8 (£7 Under 16/Over 65)

Tickets are available now...

 The Hub on the High Street, Innerleithen; Caldwell's, Peebles

Or online - click this link

The event is being made possible thanks to generous financial support from Scottish Borders Council, who we are indebted to.


The Border Common Ridings and Festivals

