What is The Scottish Borders?

One of the biggest searches online relating to the Borders is simply “what is the Scottish Borders?” Anyone hitting that into a well known search engine will be met with a load of hits, many of them referring to the Scottish Borders council area. I think this is quite dry, and doesn’t really get across what this area is and what make it special. So here then is my personal answer to that question….

Images: South of Scotland Destination Alliance/Duncan Ireland (Carter Bar, Leaderfoot Bridges, St. Abbs), Scottish Borders Council (Newtown St. Boswells), GO Tweed Valley (Eastgate, Great Tapestry of Scotland), Visit Scotland (Selkirk Common Riding). Thank you to all of these organisations for supporting tourism in The Scottish Borders.

All other images are my own.


“The Goose and The Horse”