Celebrating Whisky Month - Borders Distillery Tour

May is Whisky Month, an annual tribute to Scotland's national beverage. The intricate flavours and rich history of this mix of three ingredients (malted barley, water, yeast) are beloved of millions worldwide. I intend to celebrate in a fairly predictable manner by savouring a nip or two of my preferred whisky. But what to have?? Chances are it’ll be a blended whisky, topped up with a splash of water. Admitting my fondness for blends may cost me some Scottish cool points as single malts are considered the connoisseurs drop. However, blended whisky significantly outperform single malts in sales, so it's time to let go of snobbery and dispel any stereotypes about your whisky preferences – just enjoy it your way, and get oan with it! I should add, in the interests of balance that I love a single malt as well!!!

So however you plan on celebrating whisky month, and World Whisky Day on 20 May, I hope you enjoy a responsible whisky and raise a glass to the national drink of Scotland.

If you're interested in delving deeper into the art of distilling within the stunning Scottish Borders , and visiting one of Scotland's newest and most welcoming distilleries then get booked on The Borders Distillery Tour with me. The building, in Hawick, is stunning and you will love the friendly atmosphere, sustainable process and diverse team. So why not treat yourself this Whisky Month and let me do the driving! Pickup and drop off for the Edinburgh and Borders area. Click below to find out more.


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