“The Goose and The Horse”
A new series of blogs and podcasts, ‘Wilsons New Tales of the Border’. Inspired by 19th century storyteller JM Wilson, in this instalment I add my own, 21st century tale to the Borders mythology…
Traquair Ale - The perfect companion for the darker nights…
In praise of Traquair Ales, the pioneering micro brewery which has supplied 'wee heavies' for almost 60 years. The perfect treat for cooler evenings by the fire...
A Family Story
The amazing story of how a tour enquiry on Facebook led to me meeting long lost family members.
Schools Out! 25 things to do in The Borders this Summer Holiday
Schools Out! 25 things to do this Summer Holiday in The Scottish Borders.
12 Days of Blogmas: Day Four - This is my story…
Presenting a short video, filmed in November 2023. This is my story…
12 Days of Blogmas: Day Two - Inners for Shoppers
Day Two of Blogmas has me taking a wander around Innerleithen’s shops and finding everything you need for Christmas.
The Tweed Valley Way, or, my failed attempt to set up a long distance footpath
My aborted (for now!) attempt to set up a long distance footpath.